About Our Academy
Welcome to Queensmead Primary Academy. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Queensmead Primary Academy, part of the Greenwood Academies Trust. Thank you for showing an interest in our wonderful Academy.
Welcome to Queensmead Primary Academy. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Queensmead Primary Academy, part of the Greenwood Academies Trust. Thank you for showing an interest in our wonderful Academy.
We hope you have a lovely half-term break. If your are looking for some free/low cost activities to take part in with your child/children this half term, please follow the link below: https://t.co/7KVYJA4flK https://t.co/ddH1TvVCej
@QueensmeadGDFT Wow, you’re all amazing! Thank you so much for taking part in #NumberDay and helping us support children.
Year 1 has stepped back in time today and thoroughly enjoyed a full day of being in a Victorian Classroom. There were fantastic costumes, very strict teachers, writing of lines and lots more! https://t.co/frjSBKWMYf