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Career Mark


In April 2022 Queensmead Primary Academy were delighted to have once again been awarded the Career Mark Primary award which is a quality award for careers education and guidance. This rigourous process evaluates the following five standards every two years:

  • Impact

Measures how the school sets school and pupil targets for careers education and how it measures the achievement of them

  • Staff

Measures how the school allocates, trains and measures the competence of staff delivering the programme.

  • Management

Measures the effectiveness of your systems for planning, managing and integrating CEIAG

  • Curriculum

Measures how effectively your curriculum supports the development of learners’ knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes

  • Pupil Outcomes

Evaluates the pupils’ learning from the CEE curriculum

For each standard there are a number of ‘assessment indicators’, which clearly present that standard in its component parts, making it easy to identify what’s required. 

For more information on the award please click this link

To view our Career Mark report please click on the document below: