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Our Curriculum


  Queensmead Primary Academy 

Curriculum Intent

'Learning is really fun and I'm proud to be at Queensmead'

'We learn lots of different things and I love learning things!'

Here at Queensmead Primary Academy we offer an exciting and engaging curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils. Our vision is to ensure that we encourage our children to work hard in their learning whilst having fun. We want to help each child become a caring, confident and curious young person who has a passion for learning and achieving in order to prepare them to embrace their bright futures.

We do this by supporting, guiding and inspiring our children through excellent teaching practices and providing a wealth of opportunities to enrich their life experiences.

By working with our families, we create an aspirational environment and academy community where everyone is valued and successes are celebrated.

You can read our Curriculum Statement by clicking here.

In addition to Reading, Writing and Maths, a full range of curriculum subjects are taught through a thematic approach. For example, Year 1 all become 'Street Detectives' in their first geography topic, which investigates our local area. For further information, please select a year group from the menu on the right to see our Curriculum Overviews.

All topics begin with a 'launch' for learning, which could be a trip, visitor or other event to set the scene for effective, exciting learning. 

Alongside this, our existing co-curriculum is shaped to complement the core subject focus in order to further develop pupils’ character, resilience and relationships.

Parents are fully informed about the content of the curriculum in our overview sheets which are sent home prior to the start of the topic. In this way we hope that parents are more fully able to support their child's learning at home.

If you would like any further details about how we plan, deliver and assess the curriculum then please contact the class teacher or Deputy Principals.

For more information about Route to Resilience please click here.

Intent – Greenwood Academies Trust

GAT Primary Curriculum

Central to the curricula in our academies are the fundamental principles that a curriculum should be:

  • of quality
  • contextualised to reflect the community of the academy
  • developing core transferable knowledge and skills
  • securing progress in the core areas of reading, writing and mathematics
  • broad and balanced
  • meeting the expectations set out in the National Curriculum (2014)
  • exciting and engaging

We made the decision as a Trust not to centralise our approach to a curriculum or the schemes of work that are used to deliver that curriculum across our Primary academies.

As we work across a diverse number of regions our academies have the autonomy to craft and shape a curriculum that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and the context of the community it serves. We ensure that it is fit for purpose through our quality assurance processes and annual academy performance review.

We encourage our academies, their leaders and teachers to be innovative and forward thinking in their approach to planning a purposeful curriculum. In order to achieve this we expect our academies to continually review the effectiveness of their curriculum.