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Queensmead Primary Academy, along with Greenwood Academies Trust, take responsibility for protecting the health and safety of all children and members of staff.

The health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children is of paramount importance at the Academy. Parents send their children to our Academy each day with the expectation that it provides a secure environment in which their children can flourish. We therefore have to ensure that this expectation becomes reality. In order to do this a wide range of measures are put in place. Please see our policies and adhere to our expectations.

This is all done for security and safety of your children.

On entering the Academy there are a safeguarding policy and advice statements displayed that cover a number of wider safeguarding matters from Child Protection to Fire Procedures.

Identification checks on all visitors will be made. You will be asked for identification and may be refused entry to the Academy without it.

The Designated Senior Leads (DSL) for Safeguarding at the Academy is Mrs Liz Latham

Other Deputy Senior Leads are:

  • Mrs Liz Latham - Principal
  • Mrs Rebecca Catlow - Deputy Principal
  • Mrs Sian Bentley - Deputy Principal
  • Mrs Liz Peutherer- SENDco
  • Miss Lisa Sewell - Behaviour Mentor and Attendance Officer
  • Miss Kirsty Hargreaves - Inclusion Support Worker

If you need to contact a DSL, please contact the school office on 0116 285 8518 or alternatively, via email to

To view all of our safeguarding policies including our Child Protection Policy please click here

All Safeguarding policies should be read in conjunction the following documents and websites:

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Working Together to Safeguard Children

The Prevent Guidance

Leicester Safeguarding Children Partnership

GAT Statement.
Sexual Abuse within Schools: Child on Child Abuse, Sexual Violence and Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour:

Our position as a Trust and within all our academies is clear: sexual violence and sexual harassment are never acceptable, will never be tolerated and are not an inevitable part of growing up. Such behaviour will never go unchallenged or become accepted and we remain committed to working openly and transparently to promote mutual respect.

We will always act on concerns raised. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy has guidance within it around the indicators of child-on-child abuse and harmful sexual behaviour along with our response procedures. All relevant Safeguarding Policies are available on individual academy websites.

All pupils are taught the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum.

The appropriate means for disclosing an allegation of abuse relating to another student is always to inform a member of the specific academy’s safeguarding team directly or a member of the Trust Safeguarding Directorate. In the event that an allegation is made against a member of staff, this must be sent to the Academy Principal or directly to the Trust Safeguarding Directorate.

We will always act on concerns raised.

We are aware that a new version of Working Together to Safeguard Children was published in December 2023. Although our policies refer to the older version which was current at the start of the academic year we do of course comply with all the requirements of the new document.

Links to Trust Policies:

Trust Safeguarding Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

External support and advice is always available from:

Children Missing in Education

At Queensmead we follow the statutory guidance issues by the Government around Children Missing in Education (CME). You can read this policy here: 

E-Safety at Queensmead Primary Academy

At the Academy we believe that information and communication technologies create valuable opportunities to improve children’s learning by extending the range of information, resources and people which they can encounter. To use it effectively requires an awareness of the benefits and risks, the development of new skills and understanding of appropriate and effective use both in and out of the classroom.

Pupils work online in school, at home and elsewhere. They have access to the internet via a range of means including personal devices (iPads, Smart Phones, Games Consoles) which may not have network protection and therefore it is important for them to understand the risks and to act accordingly.

The statutory curriculum requires pupils to learn how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using ICT. In delivering the curriculum, teachers need to plan to integrate the use of communications technology such as web-based resources and e‑mail. Computer skills are vital to access life-long learning and employment; indeed ICT is now seen as an essential life-skill.

In order to ensure that our pupils are aware and protected from the risks and are “Internet wise”

At the Queensmead Primary Academy we:

  • Plan the curriculum content for internet use to match the pupils’ ability.
  • Ensure that all children are aware that they are not to be accessing the internet unsupervised.
  • Make sure children are made aware of the specific rules for using the internet safely.  
  • Review sites before providing the website to children.
  • Check government advice and recommendations.
  • Inform parents and seek their consent.
  • Make sure pupils and parents are aware of the “Rules for Responsible Internet Use”

Advice for Pupils in the Academy

Read more on our E-Safety page!