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More information about the training and experience of the SEND & Inclusion Team

The SEND and Inclusion Team is led by a SENDCo, Mrs E Peutherer, who completed the National Award in Special Educational Needs Coordination in March 2024 alongside qualifications in Elklan speech and language and Drawing and Talking therapy. As a qualified teacher, she has experience working with a range of pupils with SEND. The SENDCo is supported by a wider network and regularly attends SENDCo briefing and training days, provided by both Greenwood Academies Trust and Leicester City SEND Support Team, to update her knowledge and understanding of SEN provision, practice and requirements.

Teaching assistants and key workers have lengthy and wide-ranging experience of working with children with a variety of different and additional needs and receive regular trainings to update their skills.

Our inclusion worker has extensive experience of working with children and families in different settings. She has undertaken training courses in areas of mental health, counselling, therapy and family support.

All staff within the SEND Team attend training courses related to specific difficulties or areas of practice to keep their knowledge updated and ensure support is relevant for the pupils in their care.