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Physical Disabilities

Queensmead Primary Academy is an accessible school for children with physical disabilities. The school is on one level with no steps or stairs. All classrooms have direct access to the playground. The corridors and classrooms are spacious enough to allow wheelchair access to all areas.

What will happen if my child has physical difficulties?

If your child has mobility or other physical difficulties, it is generally advisable to contact the school before your child is due to start and arrange to meet with the SENDco.

A visit to the school, and a walk around the premises together, will help parents, SENDco and the Premises Officer to identify any areas of difficulty and to discuss what adaptations may need to be made to enable your child to access the school.

Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists may also need to be involved at this stage if there is specific equipment that needs to be obtained by the school for your child.

There will also need to be a meeting with the class teacher to discuss your child’s particular needs and how they can best be met in school. The teacher will need to be aware of your child’s needs so that her/his planning for the class ensures that your child is able to fully access the curriculum.

What support will my child get in school?

Our main aim would be to put in place any reasonable adaptation to allow your child to access learning and benefit fully from their education, alongside their peers. To do this we would need to work closely with parents and outside agencies to take advice about how to make necessary adaptations.

Adaptations for your child may include:

  • Specialist equipment to enable them to access the curriculum.
  • Higher levels of adult support to enable your child’s movement around school , access to learning and safety.
  • Interventions such as handwriting programmes or movement programmes.
  • Equipment such as writing slopes and pencil grips to support your child's handwriting.
  • Adaptations to daily routines to ensure the safety of your child, such as leaving the classroom ahead of or after the other children at playtime, having early lunch etc.
  • Lunchtime adaptations to enable your child to eat their lunch in the dinner hall alongside the other children.
  • Disabled toilets with wheelchair access serving all classroom areas.
  • Awareness training for other children in the class about how to ensure that your child is fully integrated into play and other activities.
  • Adaptations to curriculum activities to ensure that your child can participate fully.
  • Accessible trips planned for your child’s class.

The SENDco and class teacher will meet with you regularly to discuss your child’s progress and to solve any problems that may occur.

See our Accessibility Policy for more details.