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Online Safety

Here at Queensmead Primary Academy we have an online safety committee the members are as follows:

Miss Fletcher-Brown - Parental Engagement and Computing Subject Lead

Mr Gobey - Parental Engagement

Mrs Latham - Social Media Coordinator

Mrs Catlow - Online Safeguarding Officer

Miss Buswell - Parental Voice and Representative

Miss Frost - EYFS and KS1 Online Safety Development

If you have any concerns regarding your child's online safety or social media use, please do not hesitate to contact the school via the following email address:

There are lots of websites on the internet, where you can get helpful hints and advice about keeping YOU and YOUR children safe at all times whilst you are surfing the net.

The internet and social media sites can be fun if used in the correct way. They can also be very dangerous for all if used in a careless and unsupervised way.

Here at Queensmead Primary Academy we are committed to the safety and well-being of all our children. Therefore we have put together some of the best places for you to look to ensure your child is safe whilst at home.

Also at the bottom of this page you will find lots of information that you can download and look through.

NSPCC Share Aware Campaign

The NSPCC are running a campaign to highlight the issues with social networking sites, and what can happen when something is uploaded to a site without the correct security measures being in place to protect the person or photo/video that was uploaded. Within seconds that image can become global.

Children are using social networking sites without knowing all the risks and dangers that are involved. It is therefore really important for us to educate them as much as we can.

Click here to access the NSPCC share aware web page,

or click here for the NSPCC Parents Guide to being 'Share Aware'

Green Cross Code For E-Safety

Three simple rules to help keep you safe on-line

Download a copy of this poster below

Click here to look on the BBC Website for their stay safe on-line tips

Take a look at Childnet to find all of the information that you need to keep your child safe. 

Click here for some useful information to keep children under 5 safe whilst online.

Guidance Documents for E-Safety