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Queensmead Quests

Regular homework is a great way to support the learning that goes on in class and at Queensmead we encourage all pupils to complete our Queensmead Quests - a range of activities that pupils can complete at home that relate to what they are learning in class. These Quests could be a piece of writing, maths activities or making or drawing something.  Lots of families take huge pride in creating models or sculptures which are then displayed in the library area.

Government Guidelines on Homework.

Government guidelines on homework give a broad indication of the type of activities and how much time pupils of different ages might reasonably be expected to spend on homework.

For children at primary schools the guidelines are:

Years 1 and 2 1 hour per week

Years 3 and 4 1.5 hours per week

Years 5 and 6 30 minutes per day

However, the guidelines emphasise that it is more important that homework helps your child to learn than whether it takes a certain amount of time. The guidelines encourage schools to plan homework carefully alongside the work children do at school, and to make sure that all activities are appropriate for individual children.

Online Activities

As a school we subscribe to an online learning platform called Purple Mash. Every child in school has their own individual log-in and password and can access hundreds of games, activities and learning resources in a completely secure and safe way. Please ask your teacher if you are not sure of your log in details.

Times Table Rockstars!

A very popular online resource is our Times Table Rockstars. Each child has their own log in and password and can practise their times tables whilst earning points to become a Rock Legend!