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Queensmead Primary Academy


Our news area 

Page 20

  • December at Queensmead

    Published 01/12/17

    To see whats going on in the Academy during December, see the attachement below

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  • Children in Need 2017

    Published 07/11/17

    We raised £349 from coming to school in our pyjamas. The school council raised £150 from selling wristbands and Pudsey ears. Thank makes a total of £499. Thank you to everyone that donated.

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  • Anti-Bullying Week

    Published 07/11/17

    During Anti-Bullying week we will be doing various things to show that we are 'All Different and All Equal'

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  • Maths with Parents

    Published 26/09/17

    We held a Maths with Parents afternoon to encourage our parents to sign up to this useful programme.

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  • Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

    Published 26/09/17

    We raised £93 for Macmillan from our coffee afternoon. Thank you to everyone that donated.

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  • New Website 

    Published 29/08/17

    Welcome to our new website.

    You will notice that we look very different! Our new website has only just 'gone live' so we are still working hard to make sure it has all the great features and information that you enjoyed on our old site. Please let us know if you can't see one of your favourite features from the old site - we're hoping to be fully updated as soon as possible. In the meantime - happy browsing!

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  • Start of the New Academic Year

    Published 29/08/17

    We have had a very positive start to the new Academy year with pupils dressed smartly in their uniforms and arriving promptly to start the day.

    Pupils have settled very well into their classes with their new teachers and have enjoyed our first whole school topic of 'Knowing me, knowing you'. You will find lots more information about the curriculum for the Autumn term in the boards outside classrooms as well as details about upcoming events.



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  • The Trust's First Art Competition

    Published 28/06/17

    The Trust held its first Art Competition this year, open to all the Academies within the group. The competition was split between primary and secondary and then into the main key stages.The theme for Primary entries was ‘My Favourite Story’ and secondary categories were Portrait, Landscapes and Abstract.

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