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Queensmead Primary Academy


Our news area 

Page 9

  • Year 6 Visit to The Warning Zone.

    Published 04/03/22

    As part of our PSHCE Curriculum our Year 6 children visited The Warning Zone.

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  • QPA Bear Hunt!

    Published 02/03/22

    QPA Bear Hunt - Thursday 3rd March.

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  • World Book Day.

    Published 25/02/22

    World Book Day Thursday 3rd March 2022.

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  • Year 6 World War 2 Experience Day 21.02.22

    Published 23/02/22

    As part of Year 6 'Right to Fight' theme the children took part in a World War 2 experience day.

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  • Safer Internet Day 2022

    Published 04/02/22

    We are supporting Safer Internet Day.

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  • Tree Planting 01.02.22

    Published 02/02/22
    Our Year 3 pupils and Eco warriors have been busy planting apple and pear trees, in around 18 months we will hopefully be able to pick fruit from them. Please click the button below to see some more amazing photos of the afternoon. tree pl
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  • Year 5 Viking Experience Day

    Published 28/01/22

    Viking Experience Day to inspire and enthuse the children about our Spring topic – Viking Invaders.

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  • Our Best Picture Book Project

    Published 24/01/22

    Our Best Picture Book Year 2 Assembly

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  • Last Day Of Term.

    Published 17/12/21

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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  • Mini London Marathon 2021

    Published 15/12/21
    A massive well done to all the pupils who completed the Mini London Marathon at school. All pupils have been awarded with a commemorative pin badge for taking part.
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  • A letter from Andy Shepherd

    Published 13/12/21

    Andy Shepherd class received a letter from their class author.

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  • Family Learning Sessions

    Published 10/12/21

    Our second Family Learning course ended yesterday. Thanks to the parents that signed up.

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