Moments Matter - Attendance Counts
We are committed to promoting the message that Moments Matter- Attendance Counts.
The importance of attendance is high profile in our Academy – through displays in the entrance, reporting in newsletters and weekly scores announced in assembly as well as general expectations. Our Attendance policy and follow up system ensures that there is a consistent drive to raise attendance across the Academy. We work with the help of the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) as well as our in-school procedures to try to support families who are having difficulties with attendance or who have children who are classed as Persistent Absentees (PA pupils).
Attendance Awards are given to the highest class attendance. The class with the highest attendance at the end of a full term gets a treat session. Termly 100% certificates are presented to those children who sustain this along with entry into a prize draw for a special surprise. Yearly 100% certificates and prizes are also presented to children.
Up to date details about which class has the highest attendance can be found on our newsletters.
Data from last academic year as well as this year (to date) shows that we are broadly in line or above national % for attendance. Despite this, we actively and continually strive to support families who find regular attendance a challenge.
Children are expected to attend school every day unless there is an acceptable reason for them to be absent, (i.e., acceptable in the schools view).
Holidays in Term Time
Absence during term time as a result of holidays interrupts continuity of teaching and learning, disrupts the educational progress of individual children and creates disruption in schools. Holiday requests will be refused, unless there are "exceptional circumstances". If you wish to request time off you must complete a 'Special Leave of Absence form' at least 7 days before the date of absence.
For unauthorised absence from August 2024, Penalty Notices will increase to £160 per parent per child (discounted to £80 if paid within 21 days). If there is occasion to issue a second Penalty Notice for unauthorised leave of absence within a rolling 3 year period, it will be issued at the higher rate of £160 per parent per child, with no opportunity to pay at the lower level. A Penalty Notice cannot be issued if there is a third occasion of unauthorised leave of absence in the rolling 3 year period and it is highly likely that the local authority will take direct prosecution action in the Magistrates’ Court which can result in you receiving a criminal conviction. Please also be aware that any cases of extended periods of unauthorised absence, linked to holidays or trips away, are highly likely to result in prosecution action by the local authority.
Key Documents to Support Attendance
To view our attendance policy please click here
Leicester City LA - Education Welfare Service
The Education Welfare Service provides support to schools, children and families where attendance is a concern. The Service works with schools, children and their parents/carers to remove barriers to attendance with the aim of enabling children and young people to attend school regularly, to enjoy their education and to fulfil their potential.
Where parents are not meeting their legal responsibility, the Service is responsible for issuing Penalty Notices and also for undertaking prosecutions action in the Magistrates’ Court.
Responsibility for issuing child employment and performance licences also lies with the Service.
Contact Details
Head of Service: Ellen Collier
Queensmead EWO: Sadie Cadney
Education Welfare Service
Leicester City Council
115 Charles Street
Phone Number: 0116 454 5510