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Queensmead Primary Academy

Wraparound Care: Aftercare

Wraparound Care

The government are aiming to ensure that there are enough wrap around childcare options from September 2024 and this includes child care places that parents pay for.  It aims to help parents access more childcare and work the hours they want to.  This is different to out-of-school activities, or school clubs, which may not be held every day or might even be a one-off activity.

Here is all the information you need to know about our Aftercare provision:

Aftercare provision is run by our own staff so your child will be looked after by someone they know. They will be offered a range of exciting activities from sports and games to craft activities and lots in between! Usually Aftercare is held in the hall so there is plenty of space to spread out.


  • starts from 3:20pm and finishes at 4:30pm promptly – there is no facility for late collections
  • will cost £4.00 per session and will include a pre-bookable sandwich and drink.
  • places are limited, unfortunately.
  • must be booked via the office with a deadline of Thursday 12 noon for the following week and paid for via your Parentpay account

Please contact the office if you require further information.

To view our Aftercare and Morning Club procedure, please click here.